DL 7100
Full range 4CH analog Է
/ 16 bit logic Է (optional)
ְ 1GS/s
Long memory
ִ 8 Mword for 701420 model 2 Mword for 701410
500 MHz analog 뿪
Է impedance : 1MW 1.0%
( 20 pF)
Է coupling : AC / DC /
GND / DC 50W
-1 MW Է coupling : 2mV/div to 10V/div (1-2-5
-50W Էcoupling : 2mV/div to 1V/div (1-2-5 steps)
ִ Է
-1MW Է coupling : 400V (DC+ AC peak) (Less than
1KHz input signals)
-50W Է coupling : 5Vrms and 10V peak
A/D conversion resolution : 8 bit (24 LSB/div)
Probe attenuation : 1:1 / 10:1 / 100:1 / 1000:1
ġ ī ó current
waveform ũ ǥ ִ. snapshot waveform
CLEARŰ ũ ƈ ȴ. waveform
Pulse count
Color accumulate and persistence
Ŀ waveform
Color Accumulate
countѴ. stepping
ũ ǥ ļ ȣ jitter
optical diskerror signal
ְ abnormal signal 鵵
Serial pattern search function
" data busȣ ϴ ߿ targeted bit patterns
to verify operation timing ã ʿ䰡 ִ.
ϰԵ pattern ãⰡ ʴ.
" The SignalExplorer DL7100 ذå : Zooming
and serial pattern search
64 Ʈ serial pattern Ͽ data߿ ڵ
˻ ִ. Ư pattern ִٸ zoom window
ǥõȴ. rising and falling edges count
History search function
"ȣ troubleshooting abnormal
signal Ǵ checkϰ ִ ý
"The SignalExplorer
DL7100 ذå : History search function
κ oscilloscopes ο ȣ replaces Ǹ ȣ
ȴ. STOPŰ abnormal ȣ Ĺ
ȴ. history memory 2000 acquisitions
ִ. ϴ abnormal ȣ
ãƳ ִ.
Simple and
enhanced triggers
trigger ְ oscilloscope ʿϴ.I"
The SignalExplorer DL7100 ذå : Simple and enhanced
triggers ܼ simple edge triggering Ƹ ϴ
ȣ µ ̴. DL7100 Enhanced trigger
functions ⺻ Ǿִ. may not b A >
B(n), A delay B, OR, Pattern, Pulse width, TV,
Logic, and external ԵǾ ִ.